
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Wow! There has been so much good going on here in Jaco. As I approach my last week here, it is evident that God is working and moving in the hearts of the residents and in my own heart as well. A big thing He has been showing me is just how purposeful He is being – this post specifically with the children of Jaco.

I’ve had other opportunities to do children’s ministry at church, and God is doing cool things. I would love to tell y’all of one way God has been purposeful with these kids!

The lesson focus was sweet and all about how Jesus loves you and loves others and how we need to share to others that Jesus loves them. But the bible story with the lesson was about Jesus calling out an impure spirit. We thought it was an odd story to go with the rest of the lesson ideas, but it does show that Jesus’s message is powerful in a different way. And especially after the first week, with God being so intentional with the lesson (check out my last blog post – “Follow Me”), we decided to trust that God has a plan this week as well.

We felt God telling us to have faith and go with it, so we did. And God confirmed the importance of both the lesson focus of love and the bible story of power! During the story, one of the kids – he’s nine years old – brought up some deep stuff that he was struggling with regarding impure spirits. My heart was breaking for this kid as he was telling me how he has been tormented by Satan asking him for permission to allow impure spirits into his life. We talked about it some more and Holy Spirit poured truth into this little boy. Afterwards, we prayed for a little while about it, and I asked him if there was anyone he was comfortable talking to about the matter. He mentioned his mom. After he left, I grabbed a squadmate and together we prayed intensely for this child and for wisdom in the situation. We decided to talk to his mom, and when we did, she mentioned that it was a way that Satan had attempted to attack their home before through one of her other sons. She was extremely grateful that it was brought to her attention, and they have been praying and working at it since.

This is just one thing in a life of a bajillion things. That story didn’t really fit the lesson in a way we thought, but God knew exactly what He was doing! He is so cool!

How has God shown you that He has been purposeful in your life? Ask Him to point out moments – big or small – that He has been intentional and to make you aware of what He is doing as life goes on. He’ll blow your mind!

And a quick update – the boy told me that he isn’t being as tormented anymore! Praise Jesus for the good work He is doing in this sweet boy’s life!!!

One response to “#4 – God is Purposeful”

  1. Julianna, this story blesses me so much! You are making a difference in the lives of children! So powerful!! Love, Memama