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We all have our struggles. We’re all not okay sometimes. We all have our moments where we desperately cry out to God in distress. And we all have had moments where we just want the simple assurance that God is with us.

As I was having one of these moments, and as I was crying out to God, He gently reminded me that He was near. He sweetly assured me that He was listening and that He cared. This is what He told me:

My dearly beloved,
It’s okay.
It’s okay to be a mess.
It’s okay to not have it altogether.
It’s okay to be broken.
It’s okay to feel weak.
It’s okay to cry.
It’s okay to be angry.
It’s okay to be afraid.
It’s okay to not understand.
It’s okay to wrestle.
It’s okay.
Because I will never let you down.
I will show up in the mess.
I will put you back together.
I will heal your broken heart.
I will give you strength.
I’ll be your shoulder.
I’ll be your refuge.
I’ll be your joy.
I’ll be your friend.
It’s okay to not be okay.
Because I will always love you.
And I will still use you – mess and all.
Your Heavenly Father

I don’t think this was just for me to hear. I felt the Lord wanting y’all to hear this too. I’m not the only one who needs to be reminded that it’s okay to not be okay. That He is with you always. And that no matter how messy, He will unashamedly love you.

Know you are not meant to fight your battles alone. Take it to your Father who loves you and who has something for you in this season. Give Him the opportunity to show up for you.

I promise you: He will meet you where you’re at, and He’ll do so with an unlimited amount of grace and love!

2 responses to “It’s Okay To Not Be Okay”

  1. Great reminder, Julianna! Thanks for sharing and may God continue to strengthen, bless, and shape you on this journey!

  2. Wow! Thank you Julie! I definitely needed to hear that. I’m sorry if this is corny or embarrassing (I’ve never claimed not to be either) but I’m having one of those ” That’s My Daughter” moments. I just wanted to tell you that I’m so proud of you and that I love you. Keep doing you because you’re doing it right.