
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Even when I don’t see it, you’re working.

Even when I don’t feel it, you’re working.

You never stop. You never stop working.

You never stop. You never stop working.

You might recognize these lyrics as a part of the song Waymaker by Michael W. Smith. During this crazy time right now, this specific part of the song comes to my mind. It is constantly playing in my head over and over as I self-quarantine at home. Why is it on repeat in my head? I love the song, and I listen to it often. But I know there’s more to it than that. God is reminding me that He is still in control.

As the world is crumbling into chaos around us, I’ve needed that steadfast reminder. The whole world has shut down around us. Appointments cancelled. Schools closed. Visitations restricted. Businesses struggling. Worries piling. People are worried they are going to lose their job. People are worried the economy might collapse. People are worried they might lose a loved one. People are worried they might die themselves. People are worried the end of the world is near.

Recently, I read the book of Joel, and it was revealed to me how parallel the present seemed to the time in that book. There is an abundance of sin in the world. There is suffering of a plague (locusts then, coronavirus now). God calls out to His children – asking them to repent and turn to Him. They’re not listening. They turn to sin instead. He calls again. They don’t listen and turn away again. Out of a beautiful reckless love, God shows mercy and blesses His children any way. He talks about a time when He will come back. There will be a time of judgement and those who called out to the Lord will be saved. He promises more blessings to be poured over His children. Any of this sound familiar?

There is so much worry and pain and suffering. This broken world needs to be reminded that God is in control and that He is working. He is using this time to mend broken hearts. He is using this time to further His kingdom. He is using this time to comfort and bring peace. He is using this time to redeem His children. He is using this time to bless His children.

How have you seen God working? What blessings has He given you? In what ways has He brought you closer to Him?

By reflecting on these thoughts during this time, you will realize that God has never stopped working your life. I pray that this thought will be a reminder to how great God is! Let this thought bring you peace and comfort.

Even when we don’t see it, He’s working. Even when we don’t feel it, He’s working. He never stops. He never stops working.

Below is one of my favorite versions of the song Waymaker. Enjoy and find peace in the Lord who loves you!