
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Happy Friday! I’ve been in Jaco, Costa Rica since early Wednesday morning, and yesterday we hopped right into ministry! Because of Covid-19, we aren’t able to interact with the locals through mission work until next week (still kinda in quarantine), but we’ve been helping out around our mission house – cleaning, renovating, and preparing for expansion. For the past couple days, my work project was gardening!

I’m gonna be real – I didn’t have the best attitude about gardening. There were other projects that I would have liked to do more, and gardening really isn’t my cup of tea. But, I turned out really enjoying it, and it was actually quite peaceful. We did a lot of weeding and cleaning up the garden areas on the property. 

While weeding, God was revealing to me some truths that I wanted to do a quick write about. I was thinking about how a lot of my squad has experienced or are currently experiencing healing – including myself (If you haven’t done so yet, check out my “Healing…” blog post). We are God’s garden, and He has been pulling out the weeds. He has been taking all our fears, doubts, insecurities, and wounds and pulling them out – taking the deep roots out too, so that they don’t grow back.

By pulling this weeds, He is making more room in His garden for us to grow. He is creating a more optimal environment for us to blossom and give off fruit. With the weeds gone, His garden is more appealing to the eye, allowing others to look and see the beauty of His garden. His garden overflows with joy allowing others to pick and enjoy the fruit that has been grown. He is making more room in His garden to plant new seeds and invite others to establish roots in His love. He waters them and weeds them as well.

The cycle of His beautiful garden is neverending. He has so much more to do, so much more to give, to nurture. What weeds do you have suffocating you from growing? Keeping you from fully giving yourself to your Gardener to be nurtured? Keeping you from blossoming or producing fruit? Keeping others from seeing the beauty of your Creator?

Ask God what weeding He wants to do in your life and in you. Invite Him to pull those weeds and to nurture you for His glory! It may be hard or it may hurt, and it may take time or happen in layers. He has been weeding me, and I can tell you with confidence that it is so worth it, and I cannot wait to see how else He chooses to work in me!

Thanks for reading, and I’ll keep in touch! Oh, and the next place we’ll be going to is Guatemala!! I wonder what God has planned!!!

6 responses to “#3 – God is a Gardener”

  1. I am so grateful to hear you are there and doing well. I am praying for you daily! God is doing great things and I am so excited for you! Love you!?

  2. I love your attitude and I’m so thankful to see how God has been working in your life. I pray He will continue to use you to reach many throughout the world. Thank you for being such a willing servant ??